

Fan Accessories

Fan Accessories: In every home, we need at least one fan either a ceiling fan or table fan.
In this post we have provided the list of Fan Accessories which we need to maintain the fan in good condition.

Here is the list of different parts of Fan:

  1. Fan Regulator

  2. Fan Capacitor

  3. Fan Condenser

  4. Fan Brush

  5. Fan Winding

  6. Fan Motor

  7. Fan Bearing

  8. Fan Blade

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The Specifications

Product Features

Fully Wireless:

Fully wireless digital fan regulator. 

9 Steps Speed Regulation: 

an on/off and 9 steps (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) speed regulation

Two Way Control: 

The fan can be controlled by a controller switch or remote

Memory Based Control:

The system keeps its settings in memory even powers go away.

The Good

The Bad

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